More Katalon Studio and Automation to come
Although I haven’t posted anything for some time now, I haven’t abandoned automation or Katalon Studio. Quite the opposite. I’ve completed several Udemy courses for Groovy, Java, automation and SQL. Along with that, I’ve used this slower time of the year to review all my code and make improvements so that my tests are more resilient, more modular, more scalable and less “noisy.”
There have also been quite a few changes to Katalon Studio. There is the ability to import and export Custom Keywords, so moving more code to that section of the project seems ideal. The Execution Profiles are a bit easier to work with, so I’ve moved more data out of the tests themselves and set them up as Global Variables. Cucumber BDD is available as well, and while I’m not using it currently, I did take a Udemy course on it so it might be something I try to incorporate into my project in the future.
Of course, after running the tests hundreds of times, I’ve noted areas of improvement such as better handling for transient conditions like an item not being found. And with some new found experience, I see how a test that performs one task can be parameterize, turned into a method and perform the same task multiple times with different input.
I’m quite pleased with the improvements and will share some of my discoveries. To that end, I have created a rather unexciting Github repository where I have shared some code snippets. It’ll get better over time. At least I hope so.
You can access it at: