Some new tools to tackle the job in 2019

With 2019 practically upon us, I have some new tools to help with project management, task management, along with code and document organization.

Since there is plenty of manual testing to be done, I've brought in Pagico to help manage projects and 2Do, to help with task management and test management. I've got MWeb for note taking, DevonThink Office to organize and manage all my notes, Coderunner to help write code pieces and SnippetsLab to store code pieces I'm working on.

With Pagico, I can create lists, link documents, and group together the information I need for a given project. For example, I can enter due dates, store the links to Requirements and JIRA tickets, create reminders, track open tickets, and link to PDF files. In many respects it's my replacement for Freeter. I've tracked two projects so far with great success.

2Do is for task management, both for personal and project items. It's easy to create a list, set reminders, and even make a test plan without having to resort to Excel. To be honest, I've made one too many checklists using a spreadsheets and it's a terrible experience. 2Do is much easier to organize and structure.

DevonThink Office Pro is the command center of note taking and storage. It can create notes in a variety of formats as well as store documents like .doc, .xls, .pdf and pretty much everything else. Documents and topics can be tagged with keywords and linked together. Web pages can be imported and stored. To be honest, it's feature set is kind of massive. If you need to store information for a topic, this is the tool to handle it.

Coderunner 3 is a very nice tool for working on small code projects, whether they be Groovy, Java, Python or Shell Scripts. It's a very nice editor that keeps things simply and tidy. You can try out a new code idea in an IDE that takes a second to load rather than waiting for all the libraries and plugins to initialize for something like IntelliJ. It's very quick and nimble and I'm quite taken with it.

MWeb is great note taking and markdown tool. It runs very quickly, supports multiple themes as well as making your own, organizes documents into folders and allows multiple tabs. Documents can be exported in a variety of formats such as HTML, Rich Text, ePub, PDF, and Doc. DevonThink can also be used to track and index whatever notes you create.

You wouldn't ask a carpenter to make a fine table using nothing but a hacksaw and a screwdriver. I'm coming to the table with a variety of tools to get the job done and track what it took to complete.

DevonThink Office Pro
Coderunner 3

Then again, I could be wrong.

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