Notetaking across my Macs with Fiplab Mini Note
Since I now have a collection of Macs, taking notes on one machine, but then using them on another is something that needs to be considered. While Dropbox is the way to transfer big items, it’s not the best for getting meeting notes from the laptop to the desktop. However, using Mini Note by Fiplab makes this very easy.
The usual scenario goes like this, I take meeting notes on my MacBook, but then need those on my main machine. Or I find something at home and want it available at work. This is very easy with Mini Note. I can create notes in a new section, put in links or text, then using the built in sync service, the notes are available to all my other machines that have Mini Note installed. It’s automatic and near instantaneous.
There is no shortage of note taking tools for the Mac, but I really like Mini Note because it’s lightweight and extremely focused. It’s not for storing documents, or writing proposals, or making tasks, or keeping a journal. It’s to write down information as quickly as possible in a very convenient way. It stays out of the way until needed, then disappears into the background.
I’m able to grab article links, snippets of code, write down questions, or paste something useful and make it available everywhere. I honestly use it dozens of times per day across several machines.
I will also say that if a note stays in Mini Note for too long, I consider it to be a keeper and it gets added to DevonThink Office. For me, Mini Note is for quick ideas, notes from a meeting, notes from a class, links and other snippets. And for that it’s excellent.
MiniNote – Notes on your Mac – Done Right with Cross Platform Syncing!