Password protecting documents regardless of application

With the “physical” and “financial” end of the year at hand, as well as tax season around the corner, it’s time to create lists and pull together documents that will certainly contain private information. Keeping a shopping list private is one thing, but what about financial information, tax documents and medical receipts? Or going a step further with employee information, HR information, company financial records or the secret location to Al Capone’s vault? To get prepared, I went on a wild search looking for tools to store documents, encrypt text and lock folders. While I came up with some decent ideas like Safenotes in Roboform, password protected notes in the macOS Notes app, and creating password protected databases in DevonThink, I overlooked the simple solution. And it’s build in to macOS. Create an encrypted, password protected volume (DMG file) and store the files inside. This can be done using Disk Utility. Within Disk Utility, select File – New Image – […]

Waiting on elements to appear using While Loops

Timing is everything. Certainly so when it comes to automation and waiting for elements to appear before moving on to the next step. While Katalon has several wait methods, including the new smart wait, there are times when you have to wait for a text change. In this case, we aren't waiting for an object, we are waiting for a condition to change. For example, we need the number of search results to increase or decrease. Or we already have a list of names, but the one we want isn't available yet. In these cases we will use the while loop to get our status and add a delay until what we are searching for is available. In the example below, we are waiting for a status change. We have previously created an item and now we need for the status to show as "Sold." When that happens, we can proceed with the next step. The first thing we need […]

Connecting Katalon Studio into XLS and CSV files

Since reading from external source files has become an important part of how we get data, I wanted to put together some simple examples to show reading data from a CSV file, an XLS file and from a Database source. All three are very similar and since Katalon handles most of the work, it's easy to grab data from a file with just a few lines of code. We start by using the TestData library and reference the "Test Data File" from the "Data Files" object in the project. That is done with: TestData csvData = findTestData("Data Files/Data Source Name") Once we have that, we can use some of the built in Katalon keywords to get the number of rows in the file and the column names. int rowCount=csvData.getRowNumbers() List columnNamesList=csvData.getColumnNames() Once we have that information we know how many rows we can read and how many columns. We then use getValue to read our piece of information. temp1=csvData.getValue(columnName, rowNumber) […]

Udemy courses in Java and SQL

Over the past two years I have taken a lot of really good training courses at Udemy. It's a great way to get instructor led training on a wide variety of technology topics. From that, there are two courses that rise to the top because they are very well done and provide a wealth of information to the QA engineer. The first is a programming course. Since Java is the language of automation, I highly recommend: Java Programming Masterclass for Software Developers by Tim Buchalka You know you're in for a lot of information when the course is a staggering 80 hours of content. It covers the basics of Java, how to get it installed, picking an IDE, a quick overview of data types, and how to get your first programming running. Tim then gets into the meatier topics of classes, objects, inheritance, constructors and encapsulation. And for each topic there are plenty of code examples, exercises and demos. There […]