Tracking your progress, or lack thereof with Time Sink

Here is a neat little tool I have added to my bag of tricks. I’ve been curious about how I spend my time. What exactly am I working on during the day? Is it really taking that long? Or am I really getting it done that quickly?

Time Sink is an app that’s targeted toward tracking your time, or as the name implies, how you might be wasting your time.

Are you spending too much time reading mail, answering Slack messages, messing around with Twitter or Facebook, or trying to adjust your calendar?

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, or that you aren’t getting enough done in a day, Time Sink can break things down for you.

On the flip side, you can also use it to track your progress.

How many hours of training did you take on Udemy this month? How many hours of automation develop did you complete in Katalon? How much time did you spend testing that API? How much time it take to put that test plan together?

Time Sink is very easy to set up. In fact, by default it doesn’t need any configuration. Time Sink tracks the application in the foreground and logs how long it has been active. When you switch to another app, the timer tracking starts for that app.

Same goes for browsers and tabs. You can track Firefox or Chrome as the container app, then track how long a particular tab is open.

You can couple this with the option of Pools, which groups apps or tabs together. For example, you can track all tabs related to the Udemy site, or all StackOverflow tabs, so you can see how much time you spent on training or looking up information.

You can also group all your dev, writing, or graphics tools together so they get tracked as a project. Also very handy if you do contract work and charge by the hour.

It’s a very handy and useful app, but the best part? It’s only $5. Not $5 a month like so many apps and services charge these days. Just $5.


Time Sink –

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

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