Three months of working remotely

I've crossed over the three month mark of working from home. And despite circumstances, I'm thoroughly enjoying it.

By not being stuck in traffic I have so much more time available. I've been able to exercise with more frequency and still have plenty of time in the evening to play games, watch a movie, or work on side projects like Affinity, Inkle, or doing fun research with DevonAgent.

Not to mention, I've saved a ton of money by not eating out and not buying gas. No sympathy for the oil companies I'm afraid.

I've also been working on getting my organization groove on. I've made dozen of changes and improvements to my notes, folder and database structure within DevonThink. I've even moved a lot of documentation into DevonThink that was lingering in different folders on the drive. Everything in one place, very tidy.

I've created several new Alfred and Keyboard Maestro workflows which have been some nice little timesavers. (Clicking the Save button on a site 150 times using KM, is both fun, and educational)

I've added quite a few new text expansions to TypeIt4Me for both Katalon automation, SQL, and template text for Jira. And I've fixed the mess that was my SnippetsLab library.

Taskpaper is getting quite a workout. I've really put that at the center of my workflow for working on tickets and test cases.

And finally, I've made some nice search and replace modules for TextSoap. I've been doing them by hand, but now I've taken the time to automate that as well.

So all this extra time, as well as uninterrupted time has given me quite a few productivity boosts.

If you’ve come as an elf, see it through as an elf.

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