Some fun YouTube content creators I’ve been watching

I’m not sure if more content is being created or I’m simply paying more attention, but I’ve “discovered” some really creators on YouTube as of late.

I think a lot of videos are merely done for shock value, but these guys make content that is amusing and educational.

For the Mac, I like these channels:

  • Luke Miani/Noah Rubin/Neil Parfitt/Constant Geekery

For some musical interludes:

  • Davie504/Ichika Nito/Charles Berthoud/Daniel Thrasher
    I don’t and can’t play the bass or any other musical instrument, which makes these guys all the more entertaining.

For topics related to writing on the Mac:

  • William Gallagher

For gaming, especially in the City Builder genre:

  • Raptor/The Spiffing Brit
Thanks for reading you majestic sausage.

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