Dorfromantik releases on Steam

Today is the Early Access release of Dorfromantik, a game I’ve been watching for several weeks now. To me, it’s a combination of TownScaper with a dash of Islanders.

I saw Raptor play this, yet didn’t realize there was a demo on GOG. I could have been playing it all along! Curse the bad luck!

Well, the wait is over. Dorfromantik is available today and comes in at under $10, with another discount for launch.

Dorfromantik is a city builder that you have to plan based on the tiles drawn. With that, you try to place tiles to achieve the highest score. There are some mini quests to give incentives. Increase your scores to unlock new tiles. When it’s all put together you can watch the train and the boats go by.

A Creative Mode is coming soon which will lead to some amazing works of art.

For launch day, the devs are giving away Steam keys in the chat. You can jump to their product page, say hello, ask questions, and maybe get a prize.

I’ll have to wait until tonight to play, but I’m really looking forward to it.

Maybe I should've written that in a different font.
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