58Keys for writers who use Macs, iPhones and iPads

Since William did me a good turn, I shall return the favor. As I mentioned in a previous post, Some fun YouTube content creators I’ve been watching, I’m a fan of William Gallagher. He’s a writer that uses Mac, iPhones, and iPads to get his work done. Not only that, he writes technology articles for AppleInsider. If that wasn’t enough, you can even check out his personal site where he offer writing classes. Shh, don’t tell him I haven’t signed up for one yet.

I discovered his channel through Devon Technologies post, and have been following along. His videos focus on tools and apps to get work done. Some tools like OmniFocus and OmniOutliner you might be familiar with. Some processes like using Vellum to make an e-Book you might not be familiar with. William also discusses the writing process, outlining, scheduling, showcases devices and has put together interviews with other writers and content creators.

It’s quite a bit of fun as his style is wonderfully approachable and chock full of useful tidbits. It’s usually just he and I having a conversation, but I thought you might want to come and be part of the discussion. There might be enough biscuits.

I will say, William is a complete trooper as he records his latest video while en route to and from his Covid vaccination.

You can find other videos on Scrivener, PopClip, Keyboard Maestro, and Default Folder X.

If you want a full list of topics, you can browse the channel.

Give it a go. You have nothing to lose, and there is plenty to learn about writing, especially on the Mac.

It's bad luck to be superstitious.
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