🏷 Time for SummerFest 2021

We’re at that time of the year where you can save a bundle on some of the best Mac apps available during SummerFest 2021.

From the list available, there are at least 3 must have tools, DevonThink Office Pro, DevonAgent, and Scrivener.

DevonThink Office Pro is note taker, document manager, and central hub of information. I’m still sporting version 2, so now might be a good time to upgrade. Every note and document of value is stored in DevonThink Office Pro. I can always find what I’m looking for. It’s been running steadily for years.

DevonAgent is where I go when I really want to look up information. It’s an incredibly efficient way to find information that goes beyond the usual top 10 results. It can perform searches in the background, filter results, exclude topics, exclude sites, skip over duplicates, skip ads, and extract the information you’re really looking for. There’s a wealth of information beyond the first page Google presents and DevonAgent will find it.

I’ve mentioned Scrivener hundreds of times. It’s the best word processing tool I’ve ever used. It’s also a must have if you work on the Mac. Although, it’s also available for Windows.

Buy DEVONthink or DEVONagent Pro for 25% off directly at the workshop gate with the coupon code SUMMERFEST2021 and have a look at the other apps on the official SummerFest page for a similar discount.

  • https://www.devontechnologies.com/promotions/summerfest

The sale runs from Jun 24th – Jul 13th 2021.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
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