Top 3 Markdown Editors

When it comes to Markdown editors for Mac, there are dozens of choices. Prices range from free to $50 and above. With so many choices, where to start?

I’ve tried out a lot of them, and these are my Top 3 choices with the most expensive coming in at $19.99.

First is MWeb Pro at $19.99. This is my personal choice. It’s a full featured word processor that’s perfect for heavy Markdown usage and blog publishing.

  • Great organization with a 3 pane layout
  • Customizable themes with built-in theme editor
  • Custom font separate from theme
  • Customizable toolbar
  • Full editor or split view
  • Code blocks
  • Insert Table and Math
  • Tabbed documents
  • Multiple export formats (PDF, HTML, ePub, RTF, Docx)
  • Publish to blogs (WordPress, Blogger, Medium)

Next is Typora at $14.99. A bit more minimalistic, but a good choice.

  • More minimal UI
  • Small number of themes
  • Tree, article view for files and folders
  • Export to PDF, HTML, ePub, RTF, Docx
  • Code blocks
  • Insert Table and Math

Finally MacDown at $0, Free. You can’t beat free, and if you have simple Markdown needs, this will satisfy.

  • Customizable toolbar
  • Custom font separate from theme
  • Editor and Split view
  • Export PDF, HTML
  • Code blocks
  • UI Themes

If you have a solid editor and want to preview Markdown, you can get Marked 2. It’s not an editor, but it can preview a file whenever changes are made.

That’s three solid Markdown editors. There are plenty more to choose from, but you can’t go wrong with these.

Also keep in mind, other tools like Scrivener can export to Markdown. It won’t preview in the live app, but it’s still supported. It’s in the Compile section.

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