Working with videos using Fast Video Browser

Another tool in the DummyApps lineup is Fast Video Browser, which as the name implies, is a fast view browser. This is a tool I use on a regular basis to help me find videos, remember what a video is about so I give it a better name, help search for duplicates, and delete videos I no longer need.

Fast Video Browser has a couple of features that make it more efficient and capable than more expensive video catalog tools.

  • Has a fantastic price of $5
  • It can save a catalog or recreate it each time
  • Generate a main thumbnail and a series of snapshots. The main image may be enough to determine the video content, if not, there is a definable number of screenshots that get generated.
  • Export the collage, the same as thumbnail maker
  • Delete videos from the catalog, or move them to the Trash
  • A sortable table of useful of information gets generated for each file, such as resolution, duration, bit rate, etc. You can see that same information when selecting the file so it can be copied.
  • A definable Video Snapshot feature, so you can see the content of the entire video in a separate window.

Fast Video Browser is an easy, but powerful way of going through a series of videos. Do you have multiple resolutions? Is the video out of date? Can you delete it to save space? Is the entire video playable?

Fast Video Browser is great for reviewing files on an external drive, or in archive folders. It’s great for comparing files, such as which is the trimmed video file and which is the completed one?

I use this all the time when working with the ambience video, and it saves so much time. I’ve deleted so many old and poor quality video using this tool. I see a thumbnail and realize it’s a duplicate or see it’s low resolution and can get rid of it. I clear out files I no longer need because I have the completed version.

It’s also great when you have a series of poorly named files. You can see the content, see the correct order, jump to the folder location, or save the snapshot/collage library for later use.

This tool is so handy and has helped me clear out so many videos. I’ve reclaimed hundreds of gigs in drive space, and breezed through finding and trimming videos. It’s now part of my workflow when working with videos. And at $5 it does more and does more for me than a tool 5x more expensive.

A panel of useful information about the selected file

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