AYBO a very nice natural language calculator

After recently discovering natural language calculators like Soulver, I've become a big fan. Yes, macOS has a calculator built in, which is fine, but not so great when you need to repeat a multi-step calculation several times. Or you set up a formula and want to change the variables. That's where these other calculators shines. I've literally just discovered a new one called, AYBO, which now has a permanent place within my desktop configuration. Soulver 2 is awesome, but has reached the end of its cycle awhile ago. AYBO looks to have a comparable feature set to Soulver 3 and Numi, but at a fraction of the price. I have no idea what AYBO stands for, but the calculator is quite impressive. As you would expect it boasts features such as expressions and variables: 10 USD + 10 EUR in GBP 50% of (10 USD + 10 EUR) in GBP 10 lb to kg 120 km to miles 60 mph […]

Notebook Calculators Soulver and Calca

A notebook calculator isn’t something I knew I needed until I saw it. Writing math formulas and solving calculations using text is absolutely genius and has a slew of benefits. First, a notepad calculator is way to mix text and numbers in the same document. Yes, this can be done in spreadsheet, but spreadsheet formulas are very hard to translate into documents. For example, pasting spreadsheet formulas into a Jira ticket won’t make any sense to someone reading it. This is where notepad calculators like Soulver and Calca come in. You can create something like: Revenue=$34000 Expenses=$10000 Total=Revenue-Expenses = $24,000 Or Price=$100 Qty=10 Discount=5% Total=(Price*Qty)-Discount = $950.00 This is a live formula. So as you change Revenue or Expenses, the Total will change, the same as you would see in a spreadsheet. That is obviously a simple example, but the language is easier to follow. It’s also easier to follow $339-20% discount or 35% off 300k, without having to show […]