Spoke too soon

Of course it’s five o’clock and that’s when the problems rear their ugly heads… You know it sucks when credit card processing breaks…

So far so good

The code upload has gone pretty well. Nothing major is broken, with a just a minor glitch here and there to keep us on our toes. Now, where’d they put the donuts?

Burn Notice Grand Finale!

That was feakin’ awesome! 16 full episodes of Burn Notice, back to back! That show has a little of everything, but the build up to the finale was great. We get to see Michael’s fiance and in his own subtle way he declares his love for Fiona. For the really big ending we see Fiona finally get to sniper Carla, crazy Victor makes the ultimate sacrifice so Michael can get away, plenty of car chases, lots of explosions and the showdown with Management. But once again, Michael is on his own trying to survive. So, should we believe that Carla and her group have been protecting him and without their help all those spies from his past with a grudge are going to hunt him down? Is he in more danger now than ever before? With those two handlers gone, who will he be dealing with? Those episodes all work so well together, now we’ll have to wait until after […]