Need for Speed: Shift or Need for Speed Hot Pursuit – Which is Best?

Need for Speed: Shift or Need for Speed Hot Pursuit – Which is Best?

I like Need for Speed Hot Pursuit because of the sheer lunacy of it. The cars are so over the top, the driving is sheer madness and the goal of smashing other cars off the road will leave a grin on your face. The graphics between both are very good, but Hot Pursuit has that slight edge, that slightly better look and feel to it. Plus, you get right into the manic driving right off the bat. Within seconds you’re barreling down the road waiting for the right spot to give the car a shot of NOS and watch the landscape turn into a blur.

Shift offers the more usual track racing. You get points for following the correct line around the track, not hitting cars and making smooth and uneventful passes. Over time you build up a career and earn cash to buy more cars. It’s all very civilized really.

If you’re looking for more traditional style racing, rather than drifting through the desert or mountains at break neck speeds dropping spike strips, then Shift will satisfy your driving urges. If you want to go running around with your hair on fire then Hot Pursuit will give you that and more. However, at these ridiculously low prices there is absolutely no reason to choose. Get both.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

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