Cocaine Blues Audiobook

Started listening to the audiobook edition of Cocaine Blues. That’s a damn good story. Some very tight writing. It’s amazing how different the book is from the TV series. They used the same characters, but came up with a whole different story.

Miss Fisher – Cocaine Blues – Now $0.00 (Free)

So I buy the Kindle version of the book for $0.99 and today it’s free! Oh well, can’t complain about that. But if you haven’t downloaded a copy you’ve run out of excuses for not doing so. Grab the first book in the series for free. Cocaine Blues (Phryne Fisher #1)

Miss Fisher – Cocaine Blues – $0.99

Looks like they’re trying to get the US audience familiar with Miss Fisher. They’ve dropped the price of the first book in the series to a mere $0.99. Go grab a copy of this one, excellent book. Cocaine Blues (Phryne Fisher #1)

Apple event not all that exciting

Just watched the Apple event about the new features for iOS6 and I have to say it wasn’t all that exciting. Some of the features were pretty neat, but these are updated applications, not core Operating System updates. Map flyover is interesting, but that does that have to do with the OS? Same for the Facebook and Twitter integration. It’s an interesting API set, but for someone like who me who doesn’t give a damn about Twitter or Facebook, it’s not a selling point. I don’t really see iOS6 as that big of a deal. I didn’t see anything from an OS side that’s an improvement from what we already have. I guess after adding multi-tasking, there isn’t much left to do… I think the most exciting thing was the Macbook Air updates. Oh my goodness that machine looks amazing! It looks like an iPad tucked away inside a sweet case with keyboard and USB adapters. It makes me wonder […]