The Ownership of BloggerPlus has been Changed

Well, this is disappointing to hear, BloggerPlus, the blogging tool I use on the iPad, is being spun off to another company. Seems the devs are changing gears and choosing their own path. Unfortunately, this means the app is basically dead in its current form. You can’t transfer ownership of apps within the app store. So BloggerPlus is dead for now and supposedly a BloggerPlus 2 is in the works. I assume they will continue the same code line and I wish them. However, I think that’s the end of the line for me. While this has been a nice app to use, apps like Blogsy look to have a lot more to offer – things like picture scaling, selecting dates and better format handling.

I haven’t been dissatisfied with BloggerPlus, in fact this post is being written with it and my iPad 3, but the development cycle for Blogsy seems better and so does the feature set. As of right now, BloggerPlus has a lot of ground to make up to reach feature parity. And since I don’t feel like buying the same product over again, I regrettably think it’s time to look elsewhere. It’s been a good app and I wish the team well.

The Ownership of BloggerPlus has been Changed

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