Decorative Case Event and PVP Empire City Event – Crime City

As expected there’s a new set of events for the weekend. The first is the Decorative Case Event with Jeweled Necklaces up for grabs. The prizes aren’t bad, but nothing like the Painting Crates and Modern Art event of last time. Unless of course you win the Top Spot and get that rabid bulldog prize. What the hell is that thing, the Hound of the Baskervilles?


But that’s not all. The first Syndicate event has shown up. The Top 50 Syndicates with the most PVP battles will get the first prize. If you haven’t created one or signed up with somebody you better get on it. Trying to keep up with 10 people all running around kicking the crap out of each other is going to be tough. It should be interesting to see how this plays out. And seriously, who doesn’t want a Weaponized Escalade?


Stay Thirsty My Friends! And On To Battle!



It's bad luck to be superstitious.

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