Bernie Greenback – Epic Boss Event – Crime City


Despite what the original schedule said, Cooter McCready will not be making an appearance for this Epic Boss Event. Instead we have Bernie Greenback filling.

Quite literally, as soon as the Bullet Case Event ended, the Bernie Greenback Event popped up on my iPad. I actually have both showing right now. The prizes don’t look too bad so I hope I can get through a few levels and bump up my attack rating. I’ll need all the bang I can get with the next Battle for Empire City coming up in two weeks.

Update: I’ve already made it through the first 6 Levels and I’ve managed to get 2 S&P Spats, 3 Country Clubs and 1 Grand Slam.

If I get one Rare out of the deal I’ll be happy. Let’s see how this plays out.

And since I still have the Bullet Case Event going I might keep investing in that. Anyone have both showing?


Maybe I should've written that in a different font.

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