Two weeks left to fund Underworld Ascendant. Over 75% funded so far.

Underworld Ascendant is so close to being funded, but alas, need a little more to push it over the top. Judging from the videos and some of the concept art, this game is going to be amazing. It could be a single player adventure like nothing we’ve seen before. The world is going to be dynamic and ever changing. It will have huge areas to explore. There will be a constant power struggle. It will have all the elements that make true adventure games great! Plus, it will hearken back to the root of Ultima and will also link into the world of Shroud of the Avatar – the spiritual successor to Ultima currently in development and another project I’m currently supporting.

Underworld Ascendant is going to be great game but it needs just a tiny bit more help. It’s already set to appear on Steam Early Access and with a few more pledges it can be fully funded and if more people jump on board, a few of the more exciting add-ons can make it into the game.

Head on over and make a pledge. For a mere $25 you can get a copy of the game! We all know it’s going to cost more than that when it gets released. There are plenty of other in-game items to choose from if you feel the urge to donate more.

Underworld Ascendant on Kickstarter

Then again, I could be wrong.

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