Banished on sale for $5.99 on Steam

image One of my other favorite games, Banished, is now on sale at Steam for a mere $5.99. That is a huge discount over the already cheap price of $19.99 and even cheaper than the $9.99, I got it for.

Banished is an amazing city builder that seems so easy when you start, but becomes a juggling act to keep everything in balance. The goal is simple, you control a small group of villagers who are starting their lives over. You have simple tasks like gathering wood, gathering stone, gathering food, making clothes and building structures. But the devil is in the details. You have to make sure you have enough people to keep your village going. If people become sick or die from the cold or old age, your main resource, people, dwindles quickly. Everything can be running along perfectly one minute and then disease and the harsh reality of winter can destroy everything. It’s absolutely brilliant yet it can be deceptively hard.

Apart from the game mechanics, the music and graphics are simply lovely to listen to and watch. The trees fall as your citizens cut them down, change colors in the spring and fall and get covered in snow in winter. The music is gorgeous and you will find yourself just watching your citizens live their lives in this beautiful little world.

Banished is a steal at $5.99. It’s a stunning game where you can easily lose hours tuning everything just right. I’ve got dozens of hours invested in this and keep going back for more. You just can’t beat this price for a game that has so much depth and now supports Mods from the Steam Workshop. This includes new buildings and changes to the gameplay. I need to jump in there and load some of those.

Check it out!

Banished on Steam


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