A peek at Process Lasso, and is Free really, free?
I don’t have Process Lasso installed, nor have I ever used it. But you can’t read a review about DimmDrive or CPU Cores without seeing that name pop up time and time again, and almost always within a negative Steam review. It comes across as the Holy Grail of computer tuning and since it’s free, it’s the only tool you need. Of course, I had to check it out. What features do you get for free and how free is free?
Process Lasso does come with a sweet set of features to balance processor usage, control ram usage, CPU affinity and process optimization as well as gaming profiles. I have to agree, those are the same features in CPU Cores and Core Tuner and the product is free, so why bother with a paid product?
Free is fleeting and many features of Process Lasso are available for a limited time only. After the 30 day trial, the following are disabled:
Automate Power Profiles
Automate CPU Core Parking
Application Power Profiles
Process Watchdog (memory and CPU limits)
Instance count limits
Automatic Gaming Mode
CPU throttling
Anti-sleep processes
Keep processes running
Core engine as service
TweakScheduler tool
MultiMedia Scheduler tool
Access to older versions
Premium Support
That’s quite a bit to disable and they don’t seem like minor features. But ok, how much is the purchase price? It’s double the cost of CPU Cores or Core Tuner.
Single PC, one year upgrades – $37
Single PC, lifetime – $47
Multi PC, one year upgrades – $57
Multi PC, lifetime – $67
It still has some pretty sweet features, but people who bash CPU Cores, DimmDrive, Core Tuner and other products because Process Lasso is free are dead wrong. Process Lasso, while it may be an awesome product it’s absolutely NOT free. To continue to use the advanced and more useful features, you have to pay nearly double. If we want an apples to apples price comparison of what you get from Steam, which is multi PC support, you have to pay $67. What part of that is free?
CPU Cores is $20, DimmDrive is $30. Even combined, a one year of upgrades for Process Lasso is more expensive and that’s only for one machine.
Debate a product because of what it can or can’t do, but all these negative reviews that say CPU tuners are garbage solely because Process Lasso is free are lying to themselves and the rest of us.
Process Lasso Free vs. Pro
CPU Cores