Handling Tasks with TaskPaper
When you search for productivity tools, TaskPaper appears on almost every list. And while I don’t dispute the power of the tool, I did dispute the price. At least when I already have tools like 2Do for handling tasks and project, as well as Scrivener to handle outlines and bulleted lists. Spending $25 on a “sidecar” app is a bit steep.
However, with TaskPaper being offered on Bundlehunt, there is no question about adding it to my toolbox. And I’m glad I did, because it is a good tool.
It’s simple to use, but quite effective. The first order of business was to make checklists for tasks I want to complete over the weekend. These are one time reminders and simple todo lists.
I’ve also created a few “projects” for new articles I want to write with a list of topics to cover. In fact, this article was listed in TaskPaper with several bullet points. Again, these are functions Scrivener and 2Do handle with ease, but I see TaskPaper as a way to handle the quick lists we all need to make. A way to create small projects on the file, set up a list and organize your approach to a set of tasks.
I like the way TaskPaper uses some of the Markdown methodology to make tasks and projects. Tasks start with a -. Projects end with a :. Tags are started with a @.
TaskPaper is also great for making an outline. Now, most text based apps can make an outline with bullets, that’s not a big deal. But, TaskPaper allows you to collapse lists, indent, create a usable structure, cross items of the list and mark projects as done.
This is great for mapping out articles, creating test plans for Jira tickets, listing items for an automation test, or checking off the steps on what needs to be done for a deployment.
Now that I have TaskPaper, I use it quite a bit. I still have 2Do for my reminders, keeping a schedule, and creating a long term checklist, but for other list management items, TaskPaper has turned out to be a great asset.