Massive System Cleanup with Path Finder and Some Help From Default Folder X

Path Finder is a tool I just got from BundleHunt and put to the test yesterday. Normally Spring Cleaning happens earlier in the year, but Labor Day Weekend is just as acceptable. I dug in and gave my hard drive a serious deep cleaning.

Since the start of quarantine I’ve been collecting training videos, downloading documents, trying out software, grabbing YouTube videos, and it’s all started to add up. My system drive, which is 3TB, was starting to get full. It was time to organize and delete.

I saw Path Finder on BundleHunt and was immediately taken with it’s features. The dual pane viewer is a huge help. But, then you can add tabs within each pane. I was easily able to connect my external drives, then have them arranged within tabs within the different panes. Copying files was an absolute breeze.

Path Finder also has tons of customization. For starters I added the Copy and Move buttons to the Toolbar. This made it easy to move things around. I then added the Trash and Delete buttons so I could just get rid of things without having to right click. I then configured the sidebar with shortcuts to folders I kept going to so I could jump around easily. The file filter option was a perfect way to sift through hundreds of files and folders. How many things are related to Java or JMeter?

It took the better part of a day, but in the end, I deleted or moved over 2TB worth of files off my main drive. It took a few minutes to get up to speed with Path Finder features, but once I had the toolbars and shortcuts in place, the process went shockingly well.

Path Finder is a brilliant tool that has dozens of convenient features, lots of customization, and the ability to have multiple views. The ability to save those views, is fantastic. I’ve never really complained about Finder, but Path Finder has so many features, I didn’t know what I was missing.

I coupled Path Finder with Default Folder X, which offers lots of customization to Open/Save dialog boxes across the OS. I set up Favorite folders. I jumped through directory structures with ease. I was able to span a hierarchy without having to click each and every folder. It was pretty awesome.

Since they are on BundleHunt right now, I would highly recommend getting both of them. I will be configuring Default Folder X, with all sorts of shortcuts on my work machine. I will be able to jump to my Katalon Project, to SnagIt, to my Music, and to my training videos. They will literally be a click away which will be fantastic for attaching items to Jira.

I wasn’t aware of either of these tools until just a couple of days ago. But in that short time they have been a huge help and offer some great feature enhancements to macOS.

Path Finder is a fantastic file manager, and Default Folder X offers some great enhancements to Open dialogs. Finding and organizing files is going to be so much more efficient.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

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