Set up Triple Click Mouse Button Action with Keyboard Maestro

While in Keyboard Maestro for setting up the VPN, I was reminded to set up a trigger for a triple click mouse button action on the Razer mouse I have. There are two “trigger” buttons located next to the standard left click button. There are normally used as additional fire buttons within games. I want to use them as a triple click action. It’s very since Keyboard Maestro recognizes the buttons as Razer Naga Button 4 and 5. Hello triple click, welcome back.

Controlling and Selecting VPN Connections with Keyboard Maestro

From time to time I need to connect to one of our work VPN connection. When doing so, I want to Launch and Quit several applications related to the task of that connection. To make things easy, I want to use Keyboard Maestro to orchestrate the process. Unlike some other solutions, my connection type isn’t changing. I’m not switching from wired to wireless, or changing network names or locations. I’m initiating the connecting in both cases, but one uses a VPN client, while the other uses the built-in Network configuration. In either case, I want to shut down apps that might be downloading or making connections. I also want a visual cue denoting that I’m on a VPN now. A small menu bar applet called IPBar serves that purpose very nicely. One connection is needed for access to the databases. So, when connecting to that I want to start my SnippetsLab tool and open Valentina Studio. For the second, I […]

Glorious scene and city builders in a non-traditional sense

Over the past couple of weeks I’ve stumbled across some fantastic builder games in the guise of TownScaper, Islanders, Cloud Gardens and FlowScape. They are “games” that forgo the typical tropes of achieving a high score, slaying some overpowered, ridiculous looking boss, looting some rare resource that drops once every one hundred tries, or going for the headshot from a thousand yards away. Instead, the goal is to install a feeling in you and create an experience with you. When there is no wrong way to play, you simply enjoy the ambience. All of these “games” create the same enjoyment as snapping Lego together. When you click to place a house in TownScaper, or start a new land section, there is the satisfying splash of the water, the burst of color from the house, the amusements as the birds come to roost, and the excitement and anticipation of placing the next block in the sequence. Even if you have no […]

Reading the “Where From” meta data using Keyboard Maestro

I was recently presented with this problem. I had dozens of files that had very generic filenames that needed to be sorted. However, the “Where From” meta data contained useful information about the author and content. Problem is, how to use that data? After searching around, it’s possible to read that information using something similar to: xattr -px ‘/Users/name/location/location/location/filename.ext’ | xxd -r -p | plutil -p – That’s great, but not exactly useful. But once again, Keyboard Maestro comes to the rescue and can handle the problem with ease. In fact, it doesn’t really require coding, the functionality is all built in. The first step is to use the Get Attribute action, and set it to Where from. That is then stored in a variable and you can manipulate things as you like. I used the Switch/Case statement to have Move/Rename files based on the name it found. This is then nestled inside a For Each and you just […]

A deeper look at PathFinder

While it's still on sale, and now that I've done some heavy lifting with it, I wanted to have a deeper look at PathFinder. The TL;DR version is, it's absolutely worth going to Bundlehunt and picking it up for $8. To make things even more powerful, add Default Folder X. For more explanation, PathFinder is a great file manager with a host of features and customizations. For starters there are dual panes if you want them. And multiple tabs within each pane. On top of that there is a customizable context menu for working with each file, within each tab, within each pane. Those panes can then display different kinds of information in a different order. One can be an Image view, while the other is a List view. One can be sorted by name, the other by size. There is also the ability to add multiple buttons to the menu bar. I've added New Folder, New File, Rename, Copy, […]