It seems I’ll be playing MineCraft

A month or so ago I’d never heard of this game. Now, I see the name everywhere. Even MaximumPC gave it their game of the year award. It seems like a great deal of fun, harkening back to playing with Legos of an unlimited number. I even made mention that I would like to give it a try, but I suffer from a lack of the creative gene used for building. I think the best I will be able to pull off is an outhouse. With a shaky roof. But apparently my work confederates were distressed with my lack of commitment so they forged ahead and bought a copy of the game. Now I have to play lest I insult their most generous gift. And in the brief moment of playing so I could "find a safe haven for the night" I proved my ineptitude by not only not being able to open the door correctly, but by not having […]