Toy Box Building – Crime City

This should be the payout and upgrade time for the new Toy Box Building. I might be able to get 3 or 4 upgrades done with the cash I have. Level 1: Output $275,000 at 12 hour payouts. Cost $35 million. Build time 24 hours. Prize: Passions Party Favor; 402/298 Level 2: Output $550,000. Cost $58,450,000. Upgrade time 30 hours. Prize: Red Light Scrapper, melee 518/416 Level 3: Output $962,500. Cost $97,300,000. Upgrade time 36 hours. Prize: Hot Night, explosive, 823/461 Level 4: Output $1,512,500. Cost $162,750,000. Upgrade time 42 hours. Prize: Secret Identity, armor, 750/1000 Level 5: Output $2,200,000. Cost $271,950,000. Upgrade time 48 hours. Prize: Red Light Gun, gun, 1233/1101 Level 6: Output $3,025,000. Cost $454,300,000. Upgrade time 54 hours. Prize: Enforcer’s Ride, car, 1457/1577 Level 7: Output $3,987,500 Cost $759,150,000. Upgrade time 60 hours. Prize: Bombshell, explosive, 2256/1595 Level 8: Output $5,087,500. Cost $1,267,700,000. Upgrade time 66 hours. Prize: Uninvited Guest, gun, 2552/2233 Level 9: Output $6,325,000. […]

Madame Knows Best Limited Time Quest and The Toy Box, Not For Kids Events

The Dock Rampage Event has just come to close and that sends us right in to Two brand new events for Crime City. The first is the Madame Knows Best LTQ which is a quest event in 40 parts which uses Energy to get the jobs done. The first levels will go quick, but obviously things are going to get rough toward the end. Like the previous event you get a new weapon for completing the odd levels and experience/cash for completing the even ones. I like this sort of event, you’re guaranteed to get bigger and better weapons with each level. It’s not like the Epic Boss Event where you can get Level 1 items for completing a Level 10 fight. The second part of the Event is The Toy Box, Not For Kids which is 20 days long and features an Adult Toy Store as the Limited Edition building. The initial cost is $35 million and it takes […]

The Italian Jab Reward List–Crime City

Goal 1: Reward: Secure Towncar (15/35) / 5 xp Goal 2: Reward: $1000 / 10 xp Goal 3: Reward: Close Quarters Assault Rifle(30/40) / 15 xp Goal 4: Reward: 100 Respect / 20 xp Goal 5: Reward: Force Recon Armor (35/55) / 25 xp Goal 6: Reward: $4000 / 30 xp Goal 7: Reward: Reinforced Stabguard (22/88) / 35 xp Goal 8: Reward: 400 Respect / 40 xp Goal 9: Reward: Bloody Cleaver (36/104) / 45 xp Goal 10: Reward: $7500 / 50 xp Goal 11: Reward: Game Changer (94/77) Goal 12 : Reward: Goal 13: Reward: Rampage Assault Rifle (112/88) Goal 14: Reward: Goal 15: Reward: Death Race Armor (86/155) / 75 xp Goal 16 : Reward: Goal 17: Reward: Lead Hazard (139/144) Goal 18: Reward: Goal 19: Reward: Luck be a Lady (176/144) Goal 20: Reward: Goal 21: Reward: Massacre (Gun) (260/115) Goal 22: Rewards: Goal 23: Fish Market Warehouse (636 energy / 174 xp) Rewards: Quattro (256/175) […]

Crime City throws out yet another event with the Dynasty Case Event featuring the Twin Swords

It’s a trifecta of events going on at the same time. Gree has unleashed another event, the Dynasty Case Event to find Twin Swords so you can turn them in for fabulous cash and prizes. This is a 10 item event with the main prize of an Imperial Mark 23 with 1588A and 1300D. The Pagoda Pandamonium event is still well underway (I’m late to the game and have a Level 3 upgrade going) and the Crime City Hit Lists Event is dropping weapons left and right (I’ve made it to Level 23 so far). If that wasn’t enough ways to make you spend gold and lay down some PvP action, you have a third way of making it happen. This is a shorter event so good luck to one and all! The power weapons are just raining down aren’t they?

Crime City Hit Lists Event Rewards

From what I can tell here are the list of Rewards for the Hit Lists Event. This is pretty close to what I’ve gotten although some of the stats are a little different. They may change depending on your level. The final reward is the Hitman’s Shotgun with 2200A, 2000D. That is one hell of a weapon. I’ve made it to Goal 20, but the time needed to complete each one is getting longer and longer. The Energy and Stamina deplete a lot faster as you go on. I show 2D:18H left on the clock so I should be able to make it through a few more goals. I’m sure some of the gold spenders have busted their way through this one. If you did spend gold on this event, at least you’d know what you were getting. I hope we see another event like this come along. I like the “predictability” of this one. GOAL 1 :Tap on pookie […]