Massive Blog Erection!

It’s Alive!! It’s ALIVE!! It seems quite auspicious to start a blog on Friday the 13th, so behold the birth of my fantastic new abomination! I’ve brought other blogs online over the years for photography, small business, recipes and mocking Microsoft, just to name a few, but I haven’t actually had one just for myself. Just for that thrill of posting something moronic and foolish that only I would enjoy. Well no longer. Now I have a place to put all those random thoughts, all those odd things that pop into my head during the day and wee hours of the morning, a place to post those unusual pictures I find as I traverse my way across the web. Pictures of odd people, strange cars, unusual places and odd people doing odd things while someone with a camera just happens to look on. Pictures of bacon. And you get to experience it all! Aren’t you lucky! Fair warning though, this […]