High Tech Hijinks and Tell No Tales Events – Crime City Limited Time Quest and New Building

The next two events are already underway! For this one we have yet another new building, the Transtech Building. The initial cost is $78 million and we get 20 days to upgrade it to Level 10. The initial payout is $613,000 in 1 day. It doesn’t sound too bad so far, but let’s see what the upgrade costs are going to be. If the first upgrade is $200 million, then this isn’t the building for me. The Limited Time Quest is the Tell No Tales. It’s a 45 part event and if completed the prize is the Scorched Earth Chopper which has a 4650 Attack and 3100 Defense. Not a bad little prize. It’s all Energy based so it’s a good thing I stacked a lot of my points into that. I doubt seriously I will get to the end, but I should make a decent run at this one. I should have saved my energy from earlier today, but […]

Escort Handbag Event Tally – Crime City

The Escort Event has ended, but I’m going for overtime! I’m so very close and will hopefully get 2 more Escort Handbags to get me to 15 so I can get the Pretty in Pink Pistol. That will make a nice edition to my gun collection and give me a nice boost as we head into the next battle. I also noticed several new weapons have been added to the case opens. We seem to have finally moved away from the EU Baton and the Sledgehammer. This time around I managed to get a Shoulder Cannon, Elite Police Armor and a Kanabo. The stats are much better than their predecessors, but more than that, it’s something different! Well, here’s to hoping I get 15! Update: I made it to 15 in overtime! I actually got 16 Escort Pistols, but the game crashed out of me and I couldn’t go any further. Well, can’t be too upset, I got the item […]

The Escort Handbag Event is underway! – Crime City

We had a tiny bit of a breather, but the next event is upon us – The Escort Handbag Event. The goal is to recover the Escort Handbags to unlock the Garter Pistol. This is a 20 item event with a massive price going to ultimate winner – The .50 Cal Garter Pistol with an amazing 19339 Attack and 17852 Defense with an added +7% Mafia Attack. That is an insanely powerful weapon and I’m sure you only have to spend $1000 real dollars to get it! Anyway, the event runs from 6/17 (today) until Friday 6/21. That of course will lead us right into the Red Light District Romp. This should make for a couple of good weapons before the final showdown. I don’t do well in these events, but I’m off to a better than normal start by at least getting a successful open on my first try. I have one Garter Pistol to my credit so let’s […]