Glorious scene and city builders in a non-traditional sense

Over the past couple of weeks I’ve stumbled across some fantastic builder games in the guise of TownScaper, Islanders, Cloud Gardens and FlowScape. They are “games” that forgo the typical tropes of achieving a high score, slaying some overpowered, ridiculous looking boss, looting some rare resource that drops once every one hundred tries, or going for the headshot from a thousand yards away. Instead, the goal is to install a feeling in you and create an experience with you. When there is no wrong way to play, you simply enjoy the ambience. All of these “games” create the same enjoyment as snapping Lego together. When you click to place a house in TownScaper, or start a new land section, there is the satisfying splash of the water, the burst of color from the house, the amusements as the birds come to roost, and the excitement and anticipation of placing the next block in the sequence. Even if you have no […]

Townscaper – Beautifully quirky

I found Townscaper the other day and within minutes I bought my own copy from Steam. It’s a game that’s not really a game at all. It’s somewhat of a city builder, but there are no people, no money, no goals, no achievements, just the fun of laying out a gloriously colorful city. But as you will soon see, it’s not the average city builder. Buildings change depending on how they’re placed, how many are placed, if they’re stacked or touching another building. They also change based on how high they are, what they connect to, and several other factors. Also, the grid isn’t square, so you get wonderful curves and angles. It’s like building a 3D puzzle where all the pieces fit no matter how you place them. It’s very easy to play for just a few minutes, or absolutely lose yourself in it for several hours. It’s great fun and I can’t wait to see how the game […]